Promotional Write up
For festival program & promotional purpose
Seien Sie bei „OULALA“ dabei - einer Feier der Europäischen Vielfalt! Mit Diabolo-Tricks und einer atemberaubenden 3-Meter-Einrad-Nummer, die auch das anspruchsvollste Publikum beeindrucken. Sylvain bringt nicht nur Freude und Spaß, sondern stellt auch unterschiedlichste Kulturen in den Mittelpunkt. Als Franzose im Ausland bringt er seinen sprachlichen Witz mit in seine Performance. „OULALA“ garantiert eine unvergessliche Erfahrung voller Lachen und Spaß.
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Who is Sylvain OULALA ?
Geboren in Frankreich, schloss ich mein Studium mit einem Ingenieurdiplom ab. Allerdings wurde mir bewusst, dass Büroarbeit nicht das Leben ist, das ich wollte. Deshalb habe ich vor 10 Jahren eine radikale Wendung gemacht und bin nach Estland gezogen, um als Zirkusartist ein neues Kapitel zu beginnen.
Heute, als abenteuerlicher Geist und Content Creator, trage ich viele Hüte. Vom Organisieren meines eigenen Festivals in Estland bis zur Bewältigung einer 3000 km langen Einradreise von Frankreich nach Estland. Meine Leidenschaft für einzigartige Erlebnisse kennt keine Grenzen, und das ist erst der Anfang meiner Reise.

Detailed show description
For for more information
The Oulala is a show celebrating linguistic and cultural diversity. Sylvain is a Frenchy but contrary of the cliché he love language. Speaking fluent french, english, german and Estonian, Sylvain always make sure that no one in the audience feel left behind. Creating unique comedy effect with juggling different language, Sylvain will make you proud of your cultur and question you about your own language in a ways your've never thought before.
But not only he will get you laugh to tears, Sylvain will also amaze you with a diabolo act that would impress even the finest juggler in the world. Starting with one diabolo with such complicated trick that these feel on the edge of magic, Sylvain will then go even more insane with two diabolos. Ending with with throwing them higher than the building surrounding him.
To conclude the show, Sylvain will perform a death defying trick on top of his 3 meters unicycle. Asking volunteers help to execute this trick, while Sylvain gets everyone giggling about the grotesque of this build up, he also come with a simple message : With determination and asking help, You can accomplish anything. And once the audience reach the climax, Sylvain conclude with juggling 3 knifes or fire torches (depending of the time of the day) behind his back while idling on his unicycle.
During the show you will witness with amazement :
Unique contortion funny face that is beyond human possibilities
A routine with one and two diabolos that would blown away even the best juggler in the world
A charisma and sense of humour which never left any
A lots of OULALA as everyone love a bit of the french Class
Volunteers participation in a new original and kind way to leave every audience member with a smile
Stunt on the top of a 3 meters high unicycle with a WOW EFFECT guarantee
A Frenchy speaking English, German, Spanish, Estonia, Polish and many other European language *I know : It sounds impossible to witness a french speaking any foreign language*

By all
High skills
Previous festivals highlight
3x Busker Bus, Poland (2014, 2015, 2017)
ReRiga Festival, Latvia WINNER New baltic Talent
Mood indigo Festival (India)
Street Circus Festival, Malaysia WINNER
3x Kiel Artist, Germany (2016, 2017, 2018)